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I can tell you this: the story of who you are got you where you are, but it won’t get you where you want to go. On some level, you’re living in a story that someone else wrote - a story that has you playing small and fearful in some way.

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Group of women

If you're reading this, chances are you're a woman who's done playing it safe at work. You're tired of holding your voice back in meetings, telling yourself, "Don't draw too much attention." You’ve had enough of sharing your great ideas that aren’t heard until the man in the room shares your idea as if it was his own and suddenly everyone perks up to listen. And, if you’re a woman of color in business or working in Corporate America, I know what you deal with day in and day out.


Maybe you’re an entrepreneur who’s feeling stuck. You're fed up with that nagging impostor feeling that creeps in whenever you face a big challenge that could help you grow in your business. You're ready to move forward but you can’t stop looking back and kicking yourself for the chances you didn’t take because you were too scared to fail—or worse, too scared to succeed.


If the words above woke something up in you, I can tell you this: the story of who you are got you where you are, but it won’t get you where you want to go. On some level, you’re living in a story that someone else wrote - a story that has you playing small and fearful in some way. Enough is enough, right? You’re ready to start a new story of your own making—one that uplifts, celebrates, and empowers you.


I got you and I understand! And, I’m here to help you write your story!


We all create stories. It’s how we make sense of our world, connect with others, and process our experiences—good and bad. Our stories guide our decisions and even keep us safe. But if we’re not living our true story—our "Life’s Purpose" story—we’re not being our authentic selves. Our Life's Purpose Story defines who we are and who we can become. It pushes us to stretch, learn from mistakes, and set growth goals so that we can be the BEST version of ourselves.


But believing it can be the hardest part, right?


Welcome to StorySync for Women, a unique coaching program that uses the power of storytelling to help women move from a story where you don’t belong to a story that you'll love living in! We’re on a mission to inspire women like you to rewrite the narratives of your life. It’s time to fully show up, step up, and speak up with confidence and purpose, both personally and professionally.


You might be thinking, "But I'm not a writer. I'm not a storyteller." Think again.


Imagine spending the rest of your life being your true self. The part of you that knows "No" is a complete sentence, that doesn't second-guess your decisions or overthink opportunities. The part that lives in the moment because you know you can't change the past and tomorrow isn’t guaranteed. You're ready to do great things because you are great! You embrace that you are perfectly imperfect and wonderfully unique.


The StorySync coaching program helps you realign with your "Life’s Purpose" story. We guide you to rewrite the narratives written by others that no longer serve you. We teach you to examine your current story for parts that no longer fit and empower you to create new ones. We give you the courage and confidence to live the life you’re destined for—unapologetically, for the rest of your life!


There's rarely a dull moment in my life. Whether it's the work I do, the people I meet, the books I write, the art I create, or the places I travel, there's always a lesson to be learned or inspiration to share. If you want the news hot off the presses, subscribe now! I promise not to inundate your inbox.

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Monterey / San Francisco Bay Area


© 2020 Glodean Champion

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