When your team loses its shared story, people start operating from different narratives, turning teammates into adversaries. As a leader, you face a tough choice: do you tiptoe around the issues to avoid conflict, risking your authority and effectiveness? Or do you crack down hard, only to push your team further away?
Surely, there's GOT to be a better way!

Imagine this: You're a seasoned leader with a track record of success, but suddenly, your once-unified team starts falling apart. It's confusing and frustrating when an individual or group within your team starts spreading negativity and creating division. You can't help wondering where it all went wrong.
Somewhere along the way, the shared story that inspired and motivated your team got fractured. It might have been something that happened or didn’t happen, but whatever it was, it left people feeling disgruntled. They started talking, and you didn’t even realize it. That unspoken issue turned into the elephant in the room—everyone knew it was there, but no one addressed it.
This is where StorySync comes in. Our unique methodology digs deep to uncover the exact moment your team's narrative shifted from unity to fragmentation. We identify what was misunderstood or what went wrong, causing team members to feel undervalued or discredited.
When your team loses its shared story, people start operating from different narratives, turning teammates into adversaries. As a leader, you face a tough choice: do you tiptoe around the issues to avoid conflict, risking your authority and effectiveness? Or do you crack down hard, only to push your team further away? With StorySync, you don’t have to choose either extreme.
Our work addresses three essential stories to get your team back on track:
Individual: Team members discover how the stories they’ve been working from may have contributed to poisoning the team’s well so they can commit to engaging with positive intent moving forward.
Team’s Past: The team gets clear about where things went awry so they can clean up misunderstandings and repair their team’s story.
Team’s Future: Finally, the team creates a new, cohesive narrative that aligns everyone around goals for enhanced communication and collaboration with a shared mission and future in mind.
This process gets your team realigned, allowing them to work harmoniously and effectively, feeling good about the valuable work they’re doing and the future you’re creating.
Let's author a new story for your team so they can be the best at what they do and have fun doing it!
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